
Quoting and invoicing have never been easier !

ICT solutions

Telindus’ invoicing software: an intuitive, simple and efficient solution for your invoices and quotations. The user experience has been designed to ensure an easy and accessible experience for everyone.

  • Advantages
  • Benefits

Simple and efficient management

It allows you to manage the documents of several companies. The data is stored in the same database as Gesall (accounting). Export of direct parts to Gesall (in the Sales Journal/Credit Notes)

Documents in a few clicks

Entry of Quotations, Invoices, Credit Notes, Delivery Notes. Entering documents in foreign currency. Input of free texts and free lines. Automatic document generation

Automatic document generation

Easy printing. Preview of documents. Multi-criteria search with configurable filter. Extended selection during printing

Customizable invoice format

Customizable invoice format

Time saving

Create invoices in a few clicks. Save time on the management of invoices, payments, reminders,...

Automatic document management

Benefit from customized dashboards and reports

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