
Managing your mobile fleet


WebSelfCare empowers a mobile fleet manager to accomplish SIM / eSIM daily tasks with simplicity, ease and peace of mind. SIM Card management (assignment, blocking, change, etc.) was never so easy with WSC. All of it, at a distance of few clicks. And we do not stop here!

  • Advantages
  • Benefits

The important things in life are simple! WebSelfCare is your digital tool to accomplish simple tasks with peace of mind.

Be in control of your business. With few clicks you can manage your SIM Cards (block, unblock, limit the consumption through partial blocking of certain types of traffic) as well as check the fleet consumption.

Find everything you need in a single place. WebSelfCare is designed to be the central point of access to our customers, meeting the promise “one portal, multi services”.

More than a web interface or a portal, WebSelfCare is a gateway for all relevant tools a fleet manager needs to manage efficiently a mobile fleet (devices enrollment, reporting solutions, SMS GW, telephony services, etc.).

A truly unique digital experience with a multitude of options, whilst keeping it simple. Simple reporting, submission by email, invoice history (last 6 months), subscriber management, among others. Being efficient was never so easy and fast!


Web access:  no integration needed

SSO integration with certain services

Multi portals available within Web Selfcare

Immediate effect on subscriptions

Profiles management

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